Application / Upload your CV


Your application is being processed and entered into the database.
Please be patient and wait for the process to complete.
Personal information
You may enter letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens. Maximum entry of 100 characters.
You may enter letters, numbers, spaces and hyphens. Maximum entry of 100 characters.
You may enter numbers, spaces and hyphens.
You may enter e-mail address in proper format. Maximum entry of 200 characters
You may enter letters, numbers, spaces, symbol /, hyphen, dot and coma. Maximum entry of 200 characters.
Select one the offered cities/towns. If your location is not on the list, click ‘My location is not on the list’ and enter the city/town of your temporary residence.
Select one the offered cities/towns. If your location is not on the list, click ‘My location is not on the list’ and enter the city/town of your temporary residence.
Information on education
You may enter letters, numbers, spaces, symbol /, hyphen, dot and coma. Maximum entry of 100 characters.
Work experience
You may enter numbers
You may enter letters, numbers, spaces, symbol /, hyphen, dot and coma. Maximum entry of 500 characters.
Administration Marketing Sales Laboratory IT Manufacture Safety Finance None of the above Other
You may enter letters, numbers, spaces, symbol /, hyphen, dot and coma. Maximum entry of 100 characters.
Foreign language proficiency
You may enter letters. Maximum entry of 30 characters.
Computer literacy
You may enter letters, numbers, spaces, symbol /, hyphen, dot and coma. Maximum entry of 500 characters.
Other information
You may enter letters, numbers, spaces, symbol /, hyphen, dot and coma. Maximum entry of 500 characters.
Fax Telephone Copy machine Scanner None of the above
None AM A1 A2 A B BE C1 C1E C CE D1 D1E D DE F H
You may enter letters, numbers, spaces, symbol /, hyphen, dot and coma. Maximum entry of 500 characters.
Only pdf document format. Maximum document size is 1 MB.
You may enter letters, numbers, spaces, symbol /, hyphen, question mark, exclamation mark, dot and coma. Maximum entry of 4000 characters.
Only jpg and jpeg format. Maximum photograph size is 1 MB.
You may enter letters, numbers, spaces, symbol /, hyphen, dot and coma. Maximum entry of 500 characters.
For proper processing of your application, please leave the cookies on your internet browser turned on.
Agreement text
I confirm that I am familiar with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and hereby give my approval to Bosnalijek d.d. to process the information that I provided in my application as part of the employment process for candidate selection.
In order for you to be certain that Bosnalijek has received your application, we will send you a standardised message of confirmation to the e-mail address you provided in your application. This message will inform you that your application has been received and included in the candidate database. If you do not received our message then please send your application again.
oktobar 23. 2024 |
BSNLR - Bosnalijek d.d. Sarajevo: 12,47 3,89%