Our Values

In order to achieve the defined objectives in accordance with the mission, business vision and strategy of Bosnalijek, we are committed to adopting and applying the fundamental values that shape our daily work.

  • Integrity
  • Commitment
  • Teamwork
  • Trust
  • Respect


  • We encourage respect for values by our own example
  •  We express our views
  • We consistently implement our decisions
  • We take responsibility
  • We act responsibly towards obligations and promises
  • We are responsible for resources and assets
  • We take responsibility for mistakes
  • We educate ourselves and improve our skills


  • When we fail, we try again
  • We meet the deadlines
  • We work on personal development
  • We are committed to achieving results
  • We analyze the problem until we get to the results


  • We help each other
  • We approach common tasks determined to succeed
  • We accept our own responsibility and team role
  • We appreciate the individual contribution in the team
  • We understand that we have common goals
  • We put the interests of the team before the personal interest


  • We communicate consistently and openly
  • We don’t check every step of an individual unnecessarily
  • We leave tasks to others, because we believe they can do it



  • We accept differences
  • We are open to discuss with arguments
  • We respect views different from ours
  • We respect other people's time by meeting the agreed deadlines
  • We create an atmosphere in which we can all express our opinions and views


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juli 27. 2024 |
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