The key foundation of Bosnalijek’s success and business policy is the integrated management system aligned with international standards: Good Manufacturing Practice in the production of medicines and medical products, ISO 9001; ISO 14001; ISO 45001 and ISO 13485; national laws and regulations and the regulations of the countries where we market our products.

For decades of its business operations, Bosnalijek has been dedicated to the consistent application of quality, environmental protection and health and safety protection in all business operations and processes. In this way, the company produces the highest quality medicines and ranks alongside internationally competitive pharmaceutical companies.

Continuous improvement, careful analysis and planning are the fundamental business principles of Bosnalijek.

Our continuous commitment to our customers, whose needs are monitored and analyzed with special attention, has resulted in a wide range of medicines adapted to users.

Through the active participation of all employees in their area of work, developing a high level of education, awareness and satisfaction, by checking and verifying procedures and processes, Bosnalijek ensures the quality, safety and efficiency of its products while respecting all environmental, health and safety requirements.

Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Policy

Our Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Policy (QHSE) is to fulfill all the requirements, needs and expectations of our customers, employees, shareholders and the local community.

In this context, it is our goal to build and maintain the image of a successful and reliable company, conquer new markets and improve the populations quality of life with our products

Aware of the environmental impact of products and services, our goal is also to act responsibly towards the environment, continuously reducing this impact throughout the product's lifetime.

By increasing safety at work, along with continuous improvement, we ensure that Bosnalijek is classified as a low-risk company.

Bosnalijek is determined to preserve and improve safety at work, health protection of employees, fire protection and protection of buildings, plants and spaces. That is why quality, environmental protection and health and safety protection play an important role in the company.

We ensure the achievement of our goals in the following way:

·        Respecting and applying the relevant legal requirements, cGMP guidelines and the highest international standards that ensure product quality, environmental protection and health and safety protection.

·        Continuously improving quality, environmental protection and health and safety protection in all business processes.

·        Active monitoring, auditing and review of QHSE system performance.

·        Through permanent education of all employees.

·        Developing an open communication with employees and interested parties.

·        Applying the most modern technological solutions.

·        By the commitment and active involvement of managers at all levels, executives and employees for continuous improvement of quality, environmental protection and health and safety protection.

·        Involving suppliers and stakeholders in our QHSE system and developing partner relationships.

·        Permanently applying procedures and creating an environment in which hazards and harms are effectively identified and risks are assessed and monitored in order to prevent injuries at work and occupational diseases.

·        Economical and responsible use of natural resources, raw materials and energy, while reducing environmental impact by using low-emission technologies. By improving the management of generated waste through its reduction, reuse and recycling, as well as safe disposal of unusable waste.

In order to implement concrete measures, Bosnalijek makes efforts to ensure that all employees actively participate in the development and improvement of the health and safety management system, and that they demonstrate acceptance of the system in their scope of work by fulfilling all their obligations in a safe manner.


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februar 09. 2025 |
BSNLR - Bosnalijek d.d. Sarajevo: 12,47 3,89%