We recognise talented employees and create opportunities for advancement and career development

Talent Management

Here at Bosnalijek we devote special attention to identifying talent and management potential. To this end, we have launched the Career Planning and Development Project. This combined with our focus on succession planning will help our employees to develop their career and achieve their full potential.
This project offers employees recognised as successful at the company level the chance to develop and improve their knowledge and competencies and they are expected to take an active and important role in its future development.
 Each year, we plan activities aimed at personal and professional development of talents in order to provide talented and capable employees with increased opportunity for advancement and, in line with their interests, career development.
An employee’s potential can only be realised if the working environment is both appropriate and stimulating. Therefore, Bosnalijek’s management and the Sector for Human Resources are committed to recognising talented employees and creating opportunities for their advancement.

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mart 25. 2025 |
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