A helping hand for the local and broader community

Bosnalijek strives to have a positive effect on society and develop partnerships with the local and broader social community by achieving positive business results, complying with legal regulations, meeting its obligations to society, application of adopted standards through its quality control system, the rational use of natural and other resources and honouring its responsibility to protect the environment.  

Through implementation of numerous socially responsible activities, Bosnalijek ranks among the most successful companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It supports a range of social activities and actions, primarily through donations and sponsorship. In line with its mission and vision, its focus is on healthcare and the creation of a better quality of life.
Bosnalijek fosters good relationships and maintains professional collaboration with institutions of education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to providing equipment for schools and university rooms and laboratories, it organises visits for pupils and students to the company where they can speak to experts in the fields of chemistry and pharmacy. The company grants scholarships, provides assistance in the development of graduation and masters theses and offers internships at Bosnalijek and the use of books from the extensive Bosnalijek library.
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mart 25. 2025 |
BSNLR - Bosnalijek d.d. Sarajevo: 12,47 3,89%