Students of Pharmacy visit Bosnalijek

The international pharmaceutical company Bosnalijek welcomed students of the faculties of pharmacy from Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Mostar and Tuzla. After an expert lecture given by M.Sc. Nina Šarić, a specialist in pharmaceutical technology, and Dr Anela Šehić-Lihovac, the students visited the Sector for Development and had the opportunity to speak to Bosnalijek’s pharmaceutical experts.

Students of Pharmacy visit Bosnalijek
The students were also welcomed by acting Executive Manufacture and Development Manager M.Sc. Ph. Belma Abazović, a specialist in pharmaceutical technology. She pointed out that Bosnalijek had maintained good cooperation with the faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina for a number of years and she encouraged the young students in their scientific work and research.

“It is our pleasure to provide to the future pharmacists the knowledge and experience of our renowned experts, who built their careers with Bosnalijek and whose results are reflected in our new products for the improvement of health. Bosnalijek manufactures and develops high quality products, guarantees safety and promotes responsibility to patients and the community in which it operates.”

The Technology Transfer Coordinator within the sector, M.Sc. Nina Šarić, explained the development of the latest Bosnalijek product the Lysobact Spray. She introduced the students to all of the stages of development of the new product, which had undergone all stages of preformulation testing, small laboratory trials, new medicine scale-up batches and stability tests through to the registration of the medicine with the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“In our laboratories we have been developing medicines very successfully and with extreme precision, from solid and semi-solid to liquid forms. We are very proud that since last year we have developed another product form the oromucosal solution spray. Lysobact Spray is available in two flavours: refreshing peppermint and pleasant soothing anise”, said M.Sc. Šarić.

An expert associate in medical support at Bosnalijek, Dr Anela Šehić–Lihovac, also spoke of Lysobact Spray as a unique formulation in the world of oral antiseptics. She introduced the students to the ingredients of the Lysobact Spray and explained how the active substances in the formulation act in synergy: lysozyme and cetylpyridinium chloride have a synergic effect against bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Dr Šehić–Lihovac stressed, “Safety and absence of contraindications of Lysobact are based on the natural component lysozyme, which is not contained in other oral antiseptics in our market”.

She stated that the application of Lysobact achieves excellent therapeutic effects with sore throat, painful swallowing due to various and most often inflammatory causes, chronic tonsillitis and conditions after tonsillectomy, with inflammation of oral mucosa (stomatitis), gum inflammation (gingivitis), aphthae, tooth extraction or repair and other dental procedures.

In addition to the educational segment, the students were invited to a get together at Bosnalijek’s restaurant so that they could develop early connections between young Bosnian and Herzegovinian experts in pharmacy.

February 20, 2015
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