We have different personalities and jobs, united we make great work
Department Legal Sector
Profession: Master of Law

Amela Lerić, Senior Legal Expert Associate

Senior Legal Expert Associate
Amela Lerić or the worker bee, as her colleagues call her, is systematic, responsible and dedicated to her work. She joined the legal team of Bosnalijek in November 2012. When asked why she joined Bosnalijek she answered, "I wanted to work for a company that values work by merit”.

As a Master of Law, Amela is included in various matters and projects. She represents the company’s interests for claims through the court, arbitration and administrative authorities both in the country and abroad. She also provides expert legal assistance for operations with our partners. She monitors, studies and interprets local and international law and case law within the domain of commercial law and the pharmaceutical industry.

"The greatest satisfaction in my job is daily encounters with new challenges and domains that I have not encountered before. I am happy to be working for an international company with employees of various professions, which requires a specific approach to the provision of a legal framework for operations. I love this way of working, because it enables me to leave my comfort zone and affords me professional development. Believe it or not, in this job I travel every day even though I am only sitting in front of my computer.”

Not many people in Bosnalijek know that this legal professional also likes to dance and that she used to practice salsa. She also loves roman languages and in addition to the mandatory English is fluent in French and Spanish. She has also started taking Italian lessons.

We ended our brief and very pleasant conversation with Amela with the question: How and where do you see yourself in the future?
"Nobody knows what the future brings, but when I do think about it I see myself as a person whom the company will present as an employee contributing to its development in the domain of my work.”

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