We have different personalities and jobs, united we make great work
Department Sector of Corporate Sale
Profession: Bachelor of Economics

Zlatan Pilipović, Key Account Manager

Key Account Manager
"Bosnalijek is a place where everyone can make their business dreams come true through work, effort and discipline. Since I worked for other reputable companies before Bosnalijek I can freely say that I have found the place where I belong.”

Zlatan Pilipović joined Bosnalijek in 2010, because he had heard that this company was the leader in all business segments. He said he was happy to work in an environment with a clearly defined objective and mission, where the employees always come first.

"When a company continuously invests in the development of its employees, their knowledge, skills and creativity, in a stimulating work environment inspiring to excellence, excellent results are not difficult to achieve. I have been in sales for a number of years and I learn something new every day. This is exactly what stimulates and fulfils me. I have excellent and close relations with my colleagues. Since I spend most of my day at work, a good environment and collegial relations are very important.”

Sales operations at Bosnalijek are dynamic and every day is a new challenge for the Sector for Corporate Sales. Customers in the market require quick responses and a good understanding of their needs. Proactive and expeditive work in this sector is not only preferred but also mandatory. The struggle to push the boundaries and open up new markets across the world dictates a fast pace in developing loyal customers.

"Seriousness and constant focus on the customers are very important in my work. Competitiveness with other international companies is the work that keeps you awake, but also happy when you see more and more satisfied customers and higher market share. I almost always have a feeling of being on the front line, which stimulates me to work with even greater dedication.”

Daily communication with customers across the world is complex, but also very inspiring. This is why we asked Zlatan whether he had ever wished to work in a new environment with perhaps a different culture of work.

How and where do you see yourself in the future?  

"Today I cannot even image not being a part of Bosnalijek’s team. I am aware of the effort and contribution I have made to the development of our work along with my colleagues. When you know you are developing not only yourself but also your environment you cannot even imagine being in any other work place. In the future, I definitely see Bosnalijek as the market leader in the territory of South East Europe and myself pleased to be a part of a team achieving set objectives.”

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